BRICS Outreach Foundation - National American Outreach Foundation

The region speak for themselves
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BRICS Outreach Foundation

Mission For Education Relations Amongsts the Brics Region

The BRICS Outreach Foundation charity mission based in education as an initiative of NAOF that intends to provide, implement, and execute educational projects with BRICS community countries. The project’s primary focus is on creating the proper liaisons, channels and networks between countries within National American Outreach Foundation in the United States and the BRICS regions such as Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, with a specific intention on creating educational relationships between them and National American Outreach Foundation with governments and non-governmental institutions to share best practices and achieve better global and peaceful environment in behalf total humanity.

The BRICS Outreach Foundation seeks of Peace Global Mission aligning all of these incorporated locations in an attempt to create the proper channels for educational purposes to be conducted efficiently between the countries mention above. These educational programs and initiatives will focus around various topics of importance to the global region include:

National American Outreach Foundation believes that all kind of education and collaboration of best practices is important in every aspect for the wellbeing of global humanity. Especially the appropriate education among other social needs.

Join us in the BRICS Outreach Foundation in their effort to improve the Local & Global education relationship communication need for better.

Getting Involved

You can get involved by either volunteering your time towards our cause or assisting by donations. Your donations help fund our programs and initiatives both locally and globally to have our message heard and our missions completed successfully.

Any kind of contribution is always appreciated and is tax-deductible to the maximum extent of the law.

You may donate absolutely any amount you feel comfortable with as it all helps fund our cause. All of our donations and donors can choose to either remain or anonymous or allow is to sincerely thank and recognize them for their deeds. If you would like to get involved in anyone of our missions please feel free to for more information.

Join BRICS Outreach Foundation to bring Local & Global education amongst all once and for all !