Board of Directors

About Us

Ms. Piedad Flores
Director National American Outreach Foundation

Ms. Piedad Flores, graduated from tourism at the Universidad Inca Garcilazo de la Vega in Lima Peru. Piedad also holds a degree in accounting, and speaks four languages French, English, Italian and Spanish.

Piedad is a world traveler, enjoy cultures, sites, languages and believes we are all part of one God beautiful creation. Piedad has visit various countries in Africa, Europe, Asia, Central, South, and North America. Traveling open Piedad’s eyes to the beautiful colors and flavors of the world have seen and experience how people have different live styles, and face the poor, extreme poor, and rich people, and the extremely rich people.

Piedad ancestors were well-known Philanthropies’ , she follow their lead when she decide to help orphan and abandoned children in the city San Miguel de Piura. “Las aldeas infantiles” , both in Lima Peru. Piedad support her charities with the salary she earn working at the Banco Minero del Peru, she always manage to help poor children and elderly people.

Piedad had accepted the invitation to be a Director of National American Outreach Foundation, while she knows Adriana Montoya the CEO of the organization, Piedad knows that Adriana has been supporting the organization with her money, being a divorce mother raising her 2 young sons, working one hundred percent of the time for the vision and mission of the organization, without donations nor grants. Piedad admire Adriana’s faith in God and her strength, Piedad recognized the philanthropy, charity passion and love for people in Adriana.