National American Institute of technology, NATECH, charity mission based in education as an initiative on behalf of NAOF, currently is a “mobile community center” that provide of seminars and workshops to help the community in matters that are of interest of the community. In the near future National American Outreach Foundation plan the development the construction of NATECH building which will be located next to the Abrahamic the temple of peace at the Windermere Area in Orange county Florida.
When the appropriate backing and funding is received it will transition into a full educational institute. The institute’s purpose is to provide the tools necessary to promote entrepreneurship, startups, business training, and other social needs among all communities. Our vision is to provide a Free Market Economy principles at entrepreneurship to all walks of life no matter the culture, ethnicity, or gender.
National American Institute of technology, NATECH seeks to align itself with the core National American Outreach Foundation principle of promote Free Market Economy principles and entrepreneurship, creating self-sufficiency. The NATECH center will provide resources, classes, seminars, and assistance to the community it serves. NATECH hopes to break economic and social boundaries in an attempt to provide a Free Market Economy of success to the general public.
National American Institute of technology seeks to provide Free Market Economy principles education and opportunity to all walks of life.
Everyone has a right to a Free Market Economy principles education.
It provides the resources and opportunities necessary to ensure economic stability.
It helps fight against poverty, violence, and social issues.
The community center will provide an outlet for all those who need it.
NAOF asserts all efforts possible to ensure that everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or economic status has access to fundamental and good education on Free Market Economy principles.
All of your contributions are fully tax deductible to the maximum extent of the law. Your contributions will ensure that someone could have access to an education that may have not been possible without your help. Your donations help save businesses, families, and most important lives. Please consider helping someone today by contributing something towards our cause. Our mission helps the community and improving the community means better lives for everyone, including you. To find out more information
You can get involved by either volunteering your time towards our cause or assisting by donations. Your donations help fund our programs and initiatives both domestically and globally to have our message heard and our missions completed successfully. National American Outreach Foundation, umbrella of NATECH at the Windermere Area in Orange county Florida.
You may donate absolutely any amount you feel comfortable with as it all helps fund our cause. All of our donations and donors can choose to either remain or anonymous or allow is to sincerely thank and recognize them for their deeds. If you would like to get involved in anyone of our missions please feel free to follow any one of the links below to find out more information on how you can. In addition to our normal request for contribution we are also in need of other resources. The list below outlines what we feel is necessary to help assist us in realizing our goal of creating an educational outreach center in the community,
Serving communities since 2014
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Non – for profit charitable organization,
donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.