Presented by the Small Business Administration (SBA)
Coming Soon
One time certification; lasts 9 Years with annual reviews. More info.
This is a 3- Part Class. Please REGISTER FOR ALL THREE CLASSES to complete the certification.
Exclusive training opportunities.
Be eligible for 8 (a) set-aside and sole source contracts.
Assigned a business opportunity specialist to assist you with your business growth and contracting needs.
5% government-wide contracting goal as a small Disadvantaged Business.
The business (except entity-owned firms*):
Must be a small by SBA standards at time of application.
Must be not less than 51% owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are US Citizens and are economically/socially disadvantaged.
Must show potential for success (be in business for 2 yrs).
All principals must have good character, neither the firm nor any of principals can have outstanding federal financial obligations.
There are different requirements for certain minorities. Certified firms are automatically considered a Small Disadvantaged Business for federal contracting.